
Amadeo Vigil, age 24, went missing from Colorado Springs, Colorado on July 11, 1980.

Amadeo left his home at 2415 Astron Drive on the afternoon of his disappearance, intending to hitchhike to the San Luis Valley. He planned to stop in Fort Garland along the way to visit a friend.

A driver claimed to have picked him up in Colorado Springs, dropping him off near the intersection of I-25 and Highway 50, carrying a green backpack with leather trim. He was never seen again.

Amadeo’s family quickly suspected foul play had occurred when he didn’t return home. He hadn’t taken any money, change of clothes or his cherished watch that he normally wore everywhere.

His family distributed flyers throughout Colorado and enlisted volunteers to perform searches, but there was no sign of Amadeo.

His mother stated that she would sit at the intersection where he was reportedly dropped off, writing down the license plates of all the vehicles that passed through. She would then obtain the names of the registered owners and contact them, asking if they might have driven by around the same time on July 11, possibly catching a glimpse of her son.

This is not a tactic I can recall ever seeing before, but it was a really good idea. People had routines – they usually went to work and back home again around the same time each day. Unfortunately, none of them recalled seeing Amadeo.

Amadeo was a year from graduating college, and planned to pursue a masters degree after graduation. He was a deejay at Colorado College radio station KRCC; he emceed the Spanish Hour every Sunday. He was active in the Chicano student organization called MEChA.

Outside of school, he enjoyed reading, rock climbing, skiing and bike riding.

Note: Most sources state that Amadeo vanished on July 21, 1980. Since the article published near the time states July 11, I am using that date. I’ve also seen his age reported as 21, but Ancestry records support his age being 24 in July 1980.


The Charley Project


Colorado Historical Newspapers

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